Check out the muddy taupe paint color on the wall that came with our home. I'm delighted it's gone--yippee!!!
I spent last weekend in and out of the studio and attic placing 15 @ 50 watt halogen light fixtures. You can see some of them in the top of the picture with brown paper bags over them for protection during my painting party. Nothing worse for an artist than not having enough light. My studio is going to glow--yippee!!!
This weekend while I was painting, Steve built several pieces of furniture and cut the baseboard for built-in placement. He's such a great guy. I could not have done this without him. (Love you Mr. Calvey!!!)
This upcoming week, I'll be painting window trim and baseboard along with grouting tile in the bay window, Lucy's favorite spot for "Catching 'rays". Then comes the fun part--organizing my studio and creating art once again--yippee!!!
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