A few weeks ago, I received a telephone call from photographer,
Flo Minton, who had been browsing my website. She was looking to take her art to market and requested information about my

I gave her the information and before we both knew it, 50 minutes of fun-filled chatter elapsed. Yes, I met a new artist friend. Even located her on Facebook and we befriended each other while on the phone. And as friends would have it, she shared info with me about an upcoming public art project.
Imagination Squared was started by two artists,
Christina Foard and
Dolf James. The goal is to show the importance of art by giving it presence in a public art space. To do this, artists are creating art on 5x5x2" wood squares. The works of art will be hung in a public place (TBD) shortly after the closing date, July 31, 2010. Below are some of the finished squares.

I received my square in the mail yesterday and am excited to be brainstorming about it's possibilities. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this post to see my finished square.