Thursday, November 3, 2011

Name This Painting, Part 1

My friends and fans on Facebook are presently responding to the naming of my painting pictured below by taking a poll.  I am opening it up to my blog readers too.

"Ainsley", © Susan Calvert, all rights reserved
Be a part of the naming of this painting by selecting one of the names below:


To participate, place your answer in the comments section of this blog or on my Facebook Fan Page. Whichever name has the most votes will be the name of the painting.

Naming ends on Sun, 11/6/2011.  I will post the name on this blog as Part 2 upon closing of the poll.

Please vote.  The title of this painting lies in your hands!

Here is Name This Painting, Part 2.


Pascale said...

I like Genevieve!

Susan Calvert said...

Thank you very much for your vote! So far it is a very close tally:
13 = Anisley
11 = Claire
11 = Genevieve